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When it comes to updates and expansions, understanding your community's desires is crucial. Throughout the development process, you likely receive various suggestions, questions about features, and demands for additional content. However, distinguishing genuine community needs from the noise can be challenging. Worry not, we've got your back! Let's explore how to determine if your community is inclined toward modding:

Community surveys:

As a developer, identifying when and where your community is most active is key. Opt for a tool that resonates with your Most Valuable Players (MVPs). This could be a Steam Discussion, Discord, or another platform your core players prefer. The first two platforms provide valuable insights into player statistics, special ranks, or recognizable user names. Since MVPs are the most loyal and active, their opinions are paramount.

Great example of Havendock developers communication with Players

Drop a new question in discussions or a thread on the Discord channel about player sentiments and preferences, and see the magic happening!

Forum Discussions:

Forums act as anonymous meeting spaces where users freely express their thoughts. If your game has garnered popularity, there's a good chance it has a subreddit. Being a hub for passionate discussions, Reddit offers a front-row seat to your community's desires. Stay updated on discussions or engage in conversations to learn more about specific features users are craving.

Skyrim's subreddit for modders

Social Media Trends:

In the era of TikTok and rapidly changing trends, staying informed about what's hot on the internet is crucial. If you haven't heard about Chipi Chipi Cat or the trend of modding everything into GTA VI, it's time to catch up! These trends can serve as a valuable tool to promote your game with fresh and trendy content, indicating if your game is mod-ready. If you can envision your game with a Chipi Chipi Cat or GTA VI extension, you are on the right track.

Not to mention modding itself is a massive trend, with influential content creators generating substantial reach on social media platforms.

In conclusion, understanding your community's inclination towards User-Generated Content (UGC) is vital for the continued success of your game. By tapping into surveys, forums, and social media trends, you can decode the desires of your player base and determine whether modding is the right path to enhance your game. Stay connected, stay trendy, and let your community be an integral part of your game's evolution!

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