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If you've ever ventured into the world of creating mods for The Sims 4, chances are you're already familiar with a remarkable YouTube channel - Serra's channel, known as xosdr. Despite her modest self-description as "Just another girl playing The Sims 4," the community fervently disagrees, acclaiming her modding tutorials as some of the best on the entire internet.

So, who is Serra from xosdr, and how did she get into modding? We went straight to the source to find out.

  1. How did your journey into modding for The Sims 4 begin? What inspired you to start creating mods and sharing them with the community?

It started with how I think it starts for most modders, you want something in the game that isn’t there. For me at that time it was more aspirations. I had done every single aspiration in the game at least a couple of times. Once I had created my two aspirations: Introvert and Extrovert, I shared them on tumblr where they have been received very well, and that’s how my mod journey started. 

  1. Your modding tutorials are highly praised by the community. What motivated you to start making these tutorials, and how do you feel about the positive response you've received?

When the High School Years expansion pack came out, I created the Thrift Store Overhaul mod. This mod locks almost all clothing items in game and can only be unlocked by purchasing them in the thrift store. This was my first big project, before I had only created aspirations and careers using the Mod Constructor 4. But for this mod I needed to use the Sims 4 Studio and I had no clue how it worked, so I went to google for tutorials and to my surprise there weren’t many tutorials out there. 

When the Thrift Store Overhaul mod was released I got a lot of questions on how to add cc to the thrift store, so I decided to film a video and post it on youtube. The video had been received very well and this inspired me to start creating beginner friendly mod tutorials.

  1. Why do you think it's crucial to share your modding knowledge with others? What drives you to contribute to the community by providing tutorials and insights?

The feeling you get once you’ve finished a mod or once you’ve fixed that what you’ve been stuck on for days is what drives me. And if I have the knowledge to help others finish their mods or help them fix the issue then I want to help.

  1. For those just starting their modding adventure, what advice would you give them? Are there any key lessons or tips you wish you had known when you began?

Get familiar with the mod constructor 5 and sims 4 studio first. Start with something small and simple or override a file from in game. Keep in mind that after every game patch you’ll have to check if your mod is still compatible with the game, so the more complicated your mod the harder it will be to check. 

And when you’re stuck don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone I know from the modding community is more than willing to help. 

  1. What role do you believe modding plays in enhancing the overall gaming experience for The Sims 4 players?

Mods are a fun way to add more content to your game, and because anyone can create mods you can add whatever you want to your game, the possibilities are endless.

  1. What would you consider the perfect modding tool to make your modding journey easier?

If you’re just starting out with modding then I have to go with Zerbu’s Mod Constructor 5. But if you’re already familiar with modding then Lot51’s TDESC browser is great!

Quickfire round:

All-time favorite video game: Hogwarts Legacy. I’ve smiled and cried many times while playing this game. It made my childhood dreams come true.

If I have to play with only one mod, would it be: Mccc. This mod has a lot of different settings that can be changed and therefore I can’t play the game without it.

Gaming guilty pleasure: any farming game. I can sit for days planting crops.

Morning person or night owl: morning person

Preferred gaming snack: Pepernoten. It’s a Dutch snack that only comes around just before Halloween and stops being sold after Christamas, but I can eat a 500g bag in one sitting while gaming.

Most anticipated upcoming game release: the Sims 5. I’m just very curious what they’ll do with it and how they will improve what was missing in the Sims 4.

The most challenging game you've played: Most challenging game I’ve ever played was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on the PS2. Twenty years later and I’m still stuck on the same level, I’ve never been able to finish it.

Most replayed game in your collection: The Sims 4

Favorite gaming quote or catchphrase: “Nothing wrong with a bit of backup even if it is from a cabbage.” Hogwarts Legacy. 

The best multiplayer game you've enjoyed: I don’t play multiplayer games because I get too stressed playing with others. I just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy the storyline. 

For those eager to learn more and embark on their own modding adventures, be sure to check out Serra's YouTube channel, xosdr, where she generously shares her expertise. Whether you're a seasoned modder or a newcomer, her insights and tips are bound to enhance your Sims 4 experience.

We wish Serra the best of luck with her tutorials, and we encourage you to follow her on her social media channels for the latest updates and creative insights.

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